July - Dog of the Month - Proflax

July - Dog of the Month

Congratulations to Reiko who won July's Dog of the Month! Her owner, Keith, has kindly told us what Proflax has done for her:

"My dog/aid/fur-nurse, Reiko (pronounced Rey-koh), is 2 years old and has been using Proflax for about 9 months. The products we use are ‘Skin & Coat’ and ‘Immunity & Vitality’. Reiko is an assistance dog in training who aids me so I thought "why not aid her with her health while she helps me look after mine?"

Since switching to raw feeding, I got into supplements through research and found Proflax Natural. Reiko used to itch from the dry feed and since the switch over, her skin and coat have improved. The vets did try to suggest medication on her but the problem is smooth collies have a condition called MDR1 (mutated drug resistance) so I did all I can to keep her away from medications. We do a lot of activities together from charity walks for diabetes and cancer, canicross, bikejoring and going to numerous hospital appointments. Keeping her in top shape is the chief in choosing Proflax, I follow and share the live feeds on Facebook and definitely support this product as I have started to use flaxseed for myself also."

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