Frequently Asked Questions

Feeding Proflax Supplements

98% of dogs do! Flaxseed oil has a nutty flavour and one of the herbs that we include - liquorice - has a very sweet taste so this combination offers great palatability. 

Caution should be taken if your dog is taking blood thinners or modulators or is pregnant or nursing.  Some of our formulas aren't recommended if your dog is taking certain medication. Each product page under the 'Ingredients & Suitability' section will give this information where applicable. If you are at all concerned about giving Proflax then please ask your own vet for advice, giving them the full list of the herbal ingredients from your chosen formula. 

If your dog is taking another herbal based supplements that contains the same ingredients as your chosen Proflax formula then we do not suggest feeding them all on the same day. If you are feeding herbs that differ to your chosen Proflax formula then we suggest feeding them at a different time of day, i.e. in your dogs second meal of the day. If your other chosen supplements are not herbal they should be completely safe to be fed together. However, if you are unsure then please give us a call or ask your own vet for advice. 

Yes. You can feed your choice of Proflax oil with any of the powder or tincture products on the same day - just feed in different meals at opposite ends of the day. If you would like to feed two Proflax oils on the same day we suggesting feeding half of the recommended daily amount of each of the oils. Alternatively, you can feed the full recommended daily amount of each of your chosen oils on alternate days, so one oil on one day and the other the next. (It isnotadvisable to give the full recommended daily amount of two oils on the same day due to the concentration of the herbs, plus the overlap of support herbs in some of our formulas. 

We always suggest that you check with your vet before giving Proflax if your dog is taking any type of prescribed medication. This is because on occasions, herbs can affect the absorption of certain drugs, so it may mean giving your dog Proflax at different times of the day (which is our recommended approach). There are also occasions where medication can change blood pressure or have an affect on the central nervous system or organs so it is imperative that your vet approves your chosen formula taking into account your dogs specific medication. Veterinary professionals will know all contraindications to the medications that they are prescribing.

Absolutely! We advocate a preventative approach to healthcare for your pet. Feed a product according to your dogs breed, lifestyle and life stage.

  • How to Feed

    Feed Proflax supplements according to product instructions on our website, ensuring suitability and consulting a vet if needed.

    Read Guide 
  • Multi-Product Feeding

    Proflax powder and oil on the same day, following recommended amounts. Rotate products for best results.

    Read Guide 
  • Breed Size Guide

    Proflax superfoods oils, powders and superchews suit all pet sizes and life stages. Check our full guide for product recommendations.

    Read Guide 
  • Storage & Use By

    All Proflax products, whether oils, powders, tinctures or superchews, show batch and expiry date information on the packaging.

    Read Guide 

Have a Question About Proflax Supplements?

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Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Above, you'll find a series of general questions and answers that we thought might be useful when considering Proflax superfood supplements for your dog. If we haven’t covered your question, don't hesitate to get in touch via email at or give us a call at 01626 240483 and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

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