May's Dog of the Month - Mye - Proflax

May's Dog of the Month - Mye

Here is what Mye's paw parent Kate has to say about her beloved girl.

Mye is 12 and a half years old and is the biggest delight to live with. She has become a little bit of a star these past few months with her ‘lockdown diary’. She is the cheekiest, most demanding old girl going and makes us laugh on a daily basis along with the thousands of others. She has raised over £100 for the NHS when a friend made her a mug, fridge magnet and bandana that others wanted to buy, so she’s been a big help to many.

She loves all things food with regular talks of prawn crackers and pot noodles on her videos! Check the videos out here…

Mia already takes Proflax and is currently on Tummy Tastic after doing a liver cleanse with Liver Love. Kate has picked our Immunity & Vitality and Bone & Joint oils for the winning Proflax hamper together with a toy and lots of yummy natural treats.

Well done Mye and Kate! 💜🐾

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