picture of irish-setter-dog-close-up

Gun Dogs

Typical Breeds: Labradors, Spaniels, Pointers
Gun dogs generally weigh between 20-40 kg and are active, working dogs known for their stamina and intelligence. Common health issues in this group are often linked to their high energy levels and the physical strain of work. Below are some of the typical health issues Gun Dogs face, along with recommended supplements to help alleviate these problems.

Recommended Supplements
  • Joint and Mobility Issues

    Gun dogs often face joint problems due to their active lifestyles, which can include hip dysplasia and arthritis. Exacerbating Factors: High activity levels, genetic predispositions, and age can worsen these issues. Product Suggestions: Proflax Bone and Joint, Proflax Mega Mobility, Omega Vital for maintaining joint health and preventing inflammation.

  • Skin and Coat Problems

    Active dogs in this group, especially those in wet or rough terrains, may suffer from skin irritations or coat issues. Exacerbating Factors: Exposure to harsh environmental conditions, parasites, or allergies. Product Suggestions: Proflax Skin and Coat, Keep Off Me for tick and flea prevention and maintaining healthy skin.

  • Weight Management and Obesity

    Many gun dogs are prone to weight gain if not properly exercised, which can strain their joints and lead to further health complications. Exacerbating Factors: Inadequate exercise, overfeeding, or low-quality diets. Product Suggestions: Power Revive to support metabolic function and energy balance

  • Cardiovascular Problems

    Due to their high energy output, gun dogs can sometimes be susceptible to heart issues, particularly in breeds like Labradors. Exacerbating Factors: Genetic predispositions, improper diet, lack of proper cardiovascular exercise. Product Suggestions: Proflax Healthy Heart to support cardiovascular function

  • Anxiety and Stress

    Gun dogs may develop anxiety, particularly if they are under-stimulated or left alone for long periods. Exacerbating Factors: Lack of exercise or socialization, stressful environments. Product Suggestions: Calm & Collected to reduce stress and anxiety in working dogs.

  • Digestive Issues

    Like many active breeds, gun dogs may suffer from digestive problems, especially if they eat unsuitable food or undergo periods of stress. Exacerbating Factors: Overeating, sudden diet changes, and anxiety. Product Suggestions: Tummy Tastic for digestive health.

What can cause these health issues?


An unbalanced diet can be a significant contributor to a variety of health problems in Gun Dogs and Utility Dogs. Dogs in these categories are often highly active, requiring a diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and essential nutrients like glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids to support their muscle and joint health. When these dietary needs are not met, it can lead to weight gain, which places additional stress on their joints and exacerbates conditions like hip dysplasia and arthritis. Moreover, a diet high in carbohydrates or unhealthy fats can cause inflammation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular issues and digestive problems. Nutrient deficiencies, such as a lack of essential fatty acids, can also lead to poor skin and coat health, making dogs more susceptible to environmental irritants and allergens. Proper portion control, high-quality ingredients, and regular supplementation with products like Proflax Omega Vital and Proflax Bone & Joint are crucial to ensuring that their dietary needs are met and that potential health problems are prevented or mitigated.


The environments in which Gun Dogs and Utility Dogs live and work can significantly affect their overall health. Gun Dogs, for instance, are often exposed to harsh outdoor conditions such as wet, cold, and muddy terrains, which can lead to skin infections, joint inflammation, and exacerbation of pre-existing conditions like arthritis or hip dysplasia. Constant exposure to moisture can weaken their immune defenses, making them more susceptible to infections and skin irritations. On the other hand, Utility Dogs such as herding breeds often work in environments where they are exposed to dust, wind, and pollen, which can aggravate respiratory conditions and eye problems. Additionally, dogs working in rough terrain or climbing stairs frequently are at risk of developing joint and muscular issues, particularly if their joints are already compromised. It’s essential to create a living environment that minimizes these risks, such as providing clean, dry bedding, and regular access to joint-supportive supplements like Proflax Mega Mobility to support their active lifestyles.

Workload and Stress

Workload and stress levels can greatly influence the health of both Gun Dogs and Utility Dogs, especially if their exercise regimes and daily routines are not appropriately managed. Overworking these dogs, especially during their formative years, can put immense strain on their developing joints, leading to long-term issues like joint dysplasia, ligament tears, or chronic pain. On the other hand, underworking or providing insufficient mental stimulation for these highly intelligent and active breeds can result in frustration, anxiety, or even destructive behaviors. Stress from poor socialization or boredom can also contribute to physical problems such as digestive disorders, where dogs may develop nervous tummies, diarrhea, or appetite loss. Additionally, excessive stress can lead to the suppression of their immune systems, making them more vulnerable to infections and slower to recover from injuries. It’s important to balance their workload with adequate rest, mental stimulation, and to support their emotional health with products like Proflax Calm & Collected for anxiety, and Proflax Tummy Tastic to support digestive health during times of stress.